UX designer by dawn and Light experimentalist by dusk.

Based in 🇳🇱 Amsterdam and 🇵🇹 Portugal

Remi Grootscholte mugshot-2.png

For over 9 years I worked for agencies like Soda Studio, Resoluut and Unc Inc. Designing for B2C, B and E markets. Helping humble startup’s like Root-sustainability innovate, scaleups like Van Moof mature and corporates like Jacobs Douwe Egberts professional personalize their service. In my leisure time, I enjoy tinkering with lamps and interactive light installations. A passion I’d love to develop more.

<aside> 🌱 I intend to work more on projects that contribute in a positive way to society


<aside> <img src="/icons/briefcase_green.svg" alt="/icons/briefcase_green.svg" width="40px" /> Working for Root-sustainability Making ‘life cycle asssessment’ accessible for all companies


<aside> <img src="/icons/briefcase_green.svg" alt="/icons/briefcase_green.svg" width="40px" /> Working for treebytree Regreening the heart of Afrika treebytree


<aside> 🌻 I bloom & excel as UX generalist

My experience

I enjoyed helping out dozens of small or large businesses, ranging from short concept development to year-long client-side optimisation. Working solo, to leading a design team doing a full redesign or iterating with research & testing. I have practised design for the full spectrum of apps, websites and tools for many markets, but would like to focus more on the creative side with a high level of user interaction and information density.

I love making the abstract concrete. Weighing and validating all needs and expectations between the people and the business. It's like a puzzle that I love to solve.

We are innovating in processes, not products


UX cases


Every project needs its own approach. To add the most value for the people and the business. It’s best when I am involved early on to discover what direction a product or project needs.

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